'Family Friendly' Business Awards
Recognising - safe, secure, supportive services
The 'Family Friendly' Business Awards are bought to you by the Communities for Children Team at Tailem Bend Community Centre Inc in conjunction with Communities for Children Murraylands Facilitating Partner ac.care and funded by the Australian Government, Department of Social Services

Nominations Open - 9am 1st December, 2023
Nominations Close - 5pm 31st March, 2024
Terms and Conditions
Businesses or Organisations must meet the eligibility criteria to be considered for this award
Click here for Full Terms and Conditions
'Family Friendly' Charter
The 'Family Friendly' Charter provides guidelines and support for community towards the development of environments and practices that meet the needs of children and families
Click here to read the 'Family Friendly' Charter
Award Winners 2023
Winner of ‘Child Focussed Services - Family Friendly Business Awards 2023 - Murray Bridge’

Past Tense
Past Tense is an absolute hidden gem with a site and practices driven by holistic health and wellness principles and practices. The location has an oasis feeling that creates a safe, calm and welcoming environment ready to support individuals with the many services that Past Tense provides.
Owner, Krissy has worked hard to increase her knowledge and opportunities, diversifying from natural therapies including women’s circles and has responded to family requests and community needs, providing programs for children/ teens. These are programs which incorporate hands on learning including understanding feelings, emotions and responses with learning opportunities for children and young people to embrace mindfulness and positive practices.
One of the programs that Krissy offers is ‘Peaceful Kids’ which includes beautiful visual resources within sessions, strategies and resources to take home and utilise beyond sessions for holistic health and wellbeing for the children, young people and their families.
Congratulations on winning our ‘Child Focussed Service - Family Friendly Business Award - Coorong 2023.
Presented by Communities for Children Murraylands Communities for Children Murraylands is facilitated by ac.care, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by our Community Partner Tailem Bend Community Centre.
Winner of ‘Child Focussed Services – Family Friendly Business Awards – Coorong’

Sammy’s Driving School (SDS)
While catering for the older demographic of children and families, Sammy’s Driving School has considered and implemented practices, documentation, and strategies with family focus in mind.
SDS is fast establishing a positive reputation for being patient, inclusive and reliable in assisting children and families in developing the skills required for safe and confident road practices.
By providing cohesive plans and expectations throughout the process supporting individuals to feel empowered and educated in their capabilities and road practices.
SDS offers automatic and manual driving lessons in the Murraylands, for all learner drivers, of all ages or any stage of the licence process. Young, mature aged, international and visitor learners are welcome.
Congratulations on winning our ‘Child Focussed Service - Family Friendly Business Award - Coorong 2023.
Presented by Communities for Children Murraylands Communities for Children Murraylands is facilitated by ac.care, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by our Community Partner Tailem Bend Community Centre.
Winner of ‘Restaurant/ Café – Family Friendly Places to Visit - Coorong’

Tailem Bend Bakery
The Tailem Bend Bakery received a beautiful nomination from a community member highlighting their many outstanding practices and features for families. The bakery is owned and operated by a local family, and are community and family orientated from the very core which is imbedded into their practices and operations.
Some stand out components within their family friendly practices and child focussed features include a warm and inviting atmosphere supporting families to dine and spend time together. Also their $1 after school doughnut initiative, implemented to support local children and families. This program has promoted the opportunity for many children in the community to gain confidence within a safe community setting. In a safe and secure environment, they are able to develop community skills including handling money, communication and social skills while establishing positive rapport with the Tailem Bend Bakery staff. While the bakery still encourages parents to go into the bakery with their children, just for the children to order/get served by themselves and they also recommend that children don’t get donuts daily, more as a special treat.
The owners, Paige and Jake (Along with Paige’s parents Deb and Malc) are proactive in supporting children across many age ranges through their connections with the local schools, kindergarten, childcare centre, sporting clubs, community groups, local and travelling communities. This includes providing two local schools with lunch order opportunities with healthy options in mind alongside the delicious bakery items. They are also working in collaboration with a senior group of school students providing knowledge and opportunities to gain a greater understanding of business and community skills.
Congratulations on winning the Coorong ‘Family Friendly Places to Visit – Restaurant/ Café - Family Friendly Business Awards 2023’.
Please support the businesses that support family friendly practices across our region.
Presented by Communities for Children Murraylands Communities for Children Murraylands is facilitated by ac.care, funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by our Community Partner Tailem Bend Community Centre.