Supported by Australian Government Department of Social Services and delivered by Tailem Bend Community Centre
Communities for Children Murraylands provides activities for children 0-12 years and their families through evidence based learning programs, community engagement and activities.
The C4C program delivered by TBCC extends its services to the Coorong, Rural City of Murray Bridge, Karoonda East Murray and Mid Murray.
Total population: 37,452. Distance: 23,035km2.
The towns serviced include:
Tailem Bend | Elwomple |
Wellington East | Ashville |
Meningie | Narrung |
Coomandook | Coonalpyn |
Tintinara | Murray Bridge |
Jervois | Callington |
Mannum | Palmer |
Cambrai | Swan Reach |
TBCC has trained facilitators in the following evidenced based children's programs;
Parent Child Mother Goose:
Seasons for Growth Children & Young People/Adult/Parent:
Tuning into Kids/Teens/Dads:
Circle of Security Parenting:
Bringing Up Great Kids | Bringing Up Great Kids for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families:
Training can be delivered in other locations please email TBCC Chief Executive Officer Tammy Shepherd on to negotiate.
Find the latest updates:
Communities for Children Team at Tailem Bend Community Centre Inc has the most recent C4C news, including-
- New programs and activities,
- Cancellations or changes to times and dates (e.g. for hot weather)
- Reviews and pictures of activities and events.
(Any participants booked in for a session will be notified in advance of any changes)
Enrolment form for participants in C4C activities:
Please complete the form, and deliver to TBCC prior to the event.
You can call into the centre to pick up a copy or contact us to have one mailed to you.
Address- 141 Railway Tce Tailem Bend Phone- 8572 3513 Email-
National Principles for Child Safe Organisations
What are the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations?
As part of the Child Safe Organisations project, the Australian Government commissioned the National Children’s Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, to lead the development of National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
The National Principles were developed under the guidance of Community Services Ministers across Commonwealth, state and territory governments under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020.
The National Principles respond to recommendations by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
The National Principles aim to provide a nationally consistent approach to creating organisational cultures that foster child safety and wellbeing across all sectors in Australia. This will help to keep children and young people safe and reduce future harm in organisational settings.
The newly formed National Office for Child Safety will seek Council of Australian Governments (COAG) endorsement of the National Principles in late 2018.
The National Principles are:
- Underpinned by a child rights, strengths-based approach.
- High-level and designed to allow for flexibility in implementation across all sectors that engage with children and young people and in organisations of all sizes.
- Aligned with existing state and territory child safe approaches and regulations.
To see all 10 National Principles CLICK HERE
For more information about the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations visit
Child Safe Environments Compliance Statements
In South Australia, organisations providing services to children and young people must, by law, provide child safe environments.
Organisations providing services to children and young people must:
- Have child safe environments policy(ies) in place and at a minimum, review their policy(ies) once every 5 years
- Meet Working with Children Check obligations, and
- Lodge a child safe environments compliance statement with the Department of Human Services and lodge a new statement each time policy(ies) are reviewed and updated.
Tailem Bend Community Centre received compliance on 21st December, 2021.