The Tailem Bend Community Centre is run by a dedicated Volunteer Board of Management Committee, with the assistance of an enthusiastic and committed group of volunteer staff.
The Board of Management meets on the first Wednesday of the month and is responsible for setting the Strategic Direction of the Centre.
The Current Board of Management Committee is listed below (AGM held annually in September).
Management Committee:
Chair - Judy Bagg
Vice Chair - Jack Hunt
Secretary - Sophie Eldridge
Treasurer - Trudy Stanley
Public Officer - Trevor Gordon
Committee Members:
- Jeanette Gower
- Lisa Barrett
- Peta Dermody
- Tim Overett
- Trevor Coombe
TBCC Staff
Tammy Shepherd
Chief Executive Officer
Denise McLoughlin
Commonwealth Home Support Programme Project Officer
Trudy Stanley
Mel Reu
Murray Mallee Community Passenger Network (CPN) Coordinator
Zoey Cazzolato
Communities for Children (C4C) Program Facilitator
Mandi Stroh
Finance Officer
Krystle List
Business Support Officer