Tammy Shepherd
Tailem Bend Community Centre Chief Executive Officer.
Career history:
- Chief Executive Officer Tailem Bend Community Centre ten years. Role includes audit compliance, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, grant writing and management.
- Local Government Event Management, HR, Work Health and Safety - six years.
- State Government Finance, Business Support, and Record Management -four years.
- Advanced Diploma Community Services.
- Parent Child Mother Goose.
- Seasons for Growth.
- Tuning into Kids.
- Bringing up Great Kids.
- Circle of Security
- Kimochis
- Mistrust to Trust.
- Senior First Aid.
- Mental Health First Aid.
- Chief Fire Warden.
- Train the Trainer Restrictive Practice.
- Train the Trainer Elder Abuse.
Current role and task:
Chief Executive Officer TBCC.
As the CEO of the Tailem Bend Community Centre (TBCC) I lead seven staff, fifty volunteers and just under one million dollars of grant funding. Working closely with a volunteer Board of Management to implement strategies for enduring social, cultural and economic impact in the Murraylands region.
I am passionate about inspired leadership and empowering individuals to achieve the best outcomes. I believe valuing people and their role in the community is paramount to maintaining an inclusive culture which creates effective teamwork and supports future leaders.
Days & times working at TBCC:
Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm.
How I describe my personality:
Confident, empowering, supportive.
How other people describe me:
Energetic, honourable, happy, empathetic, knowledgeable, logical, rational, analytical.
Future goals:
Create long term sustainability and a solid social enterprise for TBCC.